Edinburgh Cancer Research, CRUK Scotland Centre, Institute of Genetics and Cancer
University of Edinburgh
NOV 2021 Check out our new biomedical application of bioorthogonal catalysis just published in Angewandte Chemie.
OCT 2021 Interested in the chemistry behind approved kinase inhibitors? Check out our comprehensive perspective in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
SEP 2021 NXP900 (aka eCF506), discovered by our lab, a selective inhibitor of SRC and YES1, is licensed to Nuvectis Pharma.
AUG 2021 10 years of research culminates with this work, published in Cancer Research. Our most important contribution to the cancer field. Joint effort from @EdinCRC, @MRC_CRH and @CIB_CSIC!!
JAN 20 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Tere, Dan and the rest of the team, whose research work on phenotypic screening of new kinase inhibitors against glioma has just been published in the special issue on Phenotypic Drug Discovery in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

DEC 19 CONGRATULATIONS TO DR CAROLIN TEMPS!! She successfully passed her viva with minor revisions
DEC 19 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Olga, Carolin, Beatrice and Sam, whose research work on a novel macrocyclic construct with activity against AXL kinase, has just been published in ACS Omega

DEC 19 Asier presents the last developments on bioorthogonal catalysis at CHAINS 2019 (Vendhoven, Netherlands).
NOV 19 Asier speaks at the NCRI Cancer Conference (Glasgow, UK) about the preclinical investigations with the selective SRC inhibitor eCF506.
OCT 19 Asier is honoured to give a plenary lecture at UCRA 2019 (Zaragoza, Spain).
The lab welcomes Mari Carmen, MSC Fellow that will work on the development of novel bioorthogonal gold chemistry towards new medical applications
OCT 19 HIGHLIGHT Our work entitled Cancer-derived exosomes loaded with ultrathin palladium nanosheets for targeted bioorthogonal catalysis is featured in News & Views article by Prof Xiaogang Qu in Nature Catalysis
The lab welcomes two new members: Álvaro, postdoc that will work on the design, synthesis and screening of novel kinase inhibitors, and Juan, PhD student from DIPC/CIC biomaGUNE visiting us to develop new bioorthogonal approaches
AUG 19 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Belén and Ana, whose research work on Pd-loaded exosomes for targeted bioorthogonal catalysis, a collaboration with Santamaría's lab (Universidad de Zaragoza), has just been published in Nature Catalysis

The lab welcomes Eva Russo, High School student from Algeciras (Spain) that won a Diverciencia scholarship to visit our lab and learn how a drug discovery lab works
JUL 19 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Carolin, whose contribution to the fantastic work of Dr Harvey Smith and Prof William Muller (McGill University, Canada) on the ErbB2-SRC axis in breast cancer, has just been published in Nature Communications

Thanks to all speakers, flash and poster presenters and delegates for their participation at the second edition of Bioorthogonal & Bioresponsive! The event was a success with over 90 delegates from eight different countries and fantastic science. Looking forward to the 3rd edition in 2021!!

MAY 19 Asier presents the application of bioorthogonal catalysis in cancer therapy at XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la RSEQ (San Sebastián, Spain).
MAY 19 Asier speaks at the CIB (Madrid, Spain) about the last preclinical studies developed with the selective SRC inhibitor eCF506.
APR 19 Asier is honoured to visit Baylor University (Waco, Texas) invited by Dr Bob Kane to speak about the impact of Palladium and Gold chemistry as bioorthogonal catalysts in biomedicine.
APR 19 Asier speaks about Palladium-mediated focal chemotherapy at the ACS National Meeting & Exposition (Orlando, Florida)
The lab welcomes new lab members Teresa (MSC Fellow) and Melissa (MSC PhD student of the THERACAT consortium).
JAN 19 Confirmed list of Plenary Speakers for the 2nd Edition of the BIOORTHOGONAL & BIORESPONSIVE SYMPOSIUM are announced

JAN 19 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Belén, whose contribution to the work of Dr Carrión and Prof Camacho (Universidad de Granada, Spain) on new purine derivatives, has just been published in Future Medicinal Chemistry
JAN 19 HIGHLIGHT Dr Torres-Sanchez' work on functional catalyst-carrier structures for the bioorthogonal release of anticancer agents, just published in New J Chem is featured as HOT PAPER
JAN 19 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Ana and Belen, whose contribution to the work of Dr Torres-Sanchez (Loughborough University, UK) on novel Pd-carrier devices, has just been published in New Journal of Chemistry

DEC 18 HIGHLIGHT Liz' work on the use of Nifuroxazide to target ALDH-high melanoma cells, recently published in Cell Chem. Biol., is featured in the FRONT PAGE of the journal's issue 12
NOV 18 The lab welcomes new members Shiao (Marie Curie Fellow) and Stephen (MSC PhD student of the THERACAT consortium).
NOV 18 HIGHLIGHT Our work on the first Pd-activated prodrug of the active metabolite of irinotecan, recently published in Chem. Eur. J., is highlighted as HOT PAPER and featured in the Frontispiece of issue 63
OCT 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Cath and the rest of the team, whose research work on Palladium-mediated release of the active metabolite of irinotecan, a collaboration with Brennan's group, has just been published in Chemistry, a European Journal

OCT 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Sana and Richard from Liz Patton's lab for their work on ALDH1-mediated bioactivation of nifuroxazide in melanoma-initiating cells, to which we contributed and has just been published in Cell Chemical Biology

Bioorthogonal & Bioresponsive 2019 is announced. The second edition of the B&B Symposium will be held in Edinburgh in June 6-7 2019, with an outstanding list of plenary speakers including:
Jason Chin, Ben Davis, Karen Faulds, Ludovic Jullien and Vince Rotello

AUG 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Teresa and the rest of the team, whose research work on In Cellulo Target Engagement, a collaboration with Sánchez-Martín's group (GENyO-Granada), has just been published in Bioconjugate Chemistry

JUL 18 HIGHLIGHT Our work entitled Bright Insights into Pd-Triggered Local Chemotherapy, recently published in Chemical Science is selected as 2018 Chemical Science HOT Article
JUL 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Thomas and the rest of the team, whose research work on Palladium-triggered local chemotherapy, a collaboration with Leung's group (Beatson Institute), has just been published in Chemical Science

The lab welcomes Rafael Contreras, visiting PhD student from the Univesidad de Granada who will work during the summer on novel catalytic devices.
The THERACAT consortium (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017) is launched at the IBEC (Barcelona, Spain). Two PhD student position to work at the Innovative Therapeutics Lab will be soon advertised.
MAY 18 The University of Edinburgh promotes Asier to Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
The research work of Díaz-Mochón & Pineda de las Infantas' labs (Universidad de Granada), to which we modestly contributed, has just been published in Magnetic Resonance Chemistry
The lab welcomes Dr Teresa Valero (Marie Curie Fellow) and Cecilia Ayala-Aguilera (CONCACyT PhD student) that will work on the development of novel kinase inhibitors against brain and oesophageal cancer, respectively.
FEB 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Sam and the team, whose research work on inhibitors of AXL and FLT3 kinases has just been published in the Journal Medicinal Chemistry

JAN 18 Asier presents prodrug activation by bioorthogonal catalysis at the ABCChem (Cancún, Mexico).
JAN 18 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Belén, Ana and Thomas, whose research work on biocompatible Pd-NPs for CARS-mediated photothermal ablation has just been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Our contribution to the research work of Díaz-Mochón & Orte's labs (Universidad de Granada) on multifunctional nanospheres has just been published in ACS Omega

DEC 17 Thanks to Prof Carmen Galán (Bristol University) for visiting the IGMM and giving a wonderful talk on synthetic carbohydrate-based tools for biomedical applications.
DEC 17 CONGRATULATIONS TO DR THOMAS BRAY!! He successfully passed his viva with minor revision
Our chapter contribution to the book Coupling and Decoupling of Diverse Molecular Units in Glycosciences edited by Z. J. Witczak and R. Bielski has just been released by Springer

OCT 17 Asier presents the last advances on the use of Pd and Au implants to activate prodrugs inside tumours at the CRUK Staff Roadshow 2017 (Edinburgh, UK).
Our work entitled "Gold Triggered Uncaging Chemistry in Living Systems", a collaboration with the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon, is featured in the Inside Back Cover of issue no. 41 of Angewandte Chemie.

The lab welcomes Dan Baillache, PhD student funded by Medical Research Scotland that will work on the development of novel brain-penetrant kinase inhibitors.
AUG 17 PRIZE Congratulations to Belén for earning the Best Poster Prize at the 7th EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic & Medicinal Chemistry (Vienna, Austria)
AUG 17 Asier presents the last research of the Innovative Therapeutics Lab to Cirrus Logic (Edinburgh, UK).
AUG 17 HIGHLIGHT The work of Ana, Belén, Cath and Thomas in Angewandte Chemie is widely covered by mainstream media across the world and translated to >20 languages. See
JUL 17 PUBLICATION Congratulations to Ana, Belén, Cath and Thomas, whose research work on gold-catalysed uncaging chemistry, a collaboration with Prof Santamaría's group, has just been published in Angewandte Chemie!

Thanks to all speakers, flash and poster presenters and delegates of the first ever Bioorthogonal & Bioresponsive Symposium! The event was a success with over 80 delegates from nine different countries and fantastic science. After great feedback from the attendees, Marc Vendrell and I have decided to do a second edition in 2019!!

The lab welcomes Hector Yiannakas and Álvaro Lorente, who will work during the summer on the development of novel kinase inhibitors.
MAY 17 Asier speaks about the our Pd-activated prodrug technology and kinase inhibitors at the Edinburgh Pharmacology Symposium 2017 (UK).
APR 17 Thanks to Prof Barry Kellam (Nottingham University) for giving an inspiring talk on the development of novel β1-Adrenoceptor Antagonists for the treatment of patients with concomitant cardiovascular and respiratory disease.
Bioorthogonal & Bioresponsive, a RSC Symposium is announced. This the first scientific meeting that will showcase the state-of-the-art of these two emerging fields of research in a single event with leading national and international experts.
The B&B Symposium will be held in Edinburgh in June 7-8 2017, aiming to gather chemists and biologists interested in the broad fields of chemical biology and translational medicine. The symposium will include a poster session to give an opportunity for the delegates to share and discuss their recent research advances. Abstracts are welcomed from PhD students, postdocs and early career academics. Selected contributions will be invited to give a short talk or present at a flash presentation session. Please submit your abstract including your registration number to B.B.Symposium@ed.ac.uk
JAN 17 eCF506 is listed as SRC Family inhibitor of choice in the Chemical Probes portal.